

International Congress on Longevity Economy - Open Registration

International Congress on Longevity Economy - Open Registration

The General Foundation of the University of Salamanca, through the International Centre on Aging (CENIE), is organising the International Congress on Longevity Economy, which will take place on 2 and 3 November 2022, in the Auditorium of the Hospedería Fonseca in Salamanca.

The happy and unstoppable growth of Longevity means a real challenge, a new horizon full of opportunities, which we must know how to analyse and plan in order to favour sustainable and inclusive development.

It is essential to promote the implementation of studies and research, as well as to encourage the exchange of innovative experiences, promoting open and constructive dialogue between qualified representatives from the institutional and academic world, researchers and economic and social agents.

The International Congress on Longevity Economy will bring together in Salamanca leading national and international experts, together with institutional leaders of the highest level, both from Spain and Portugal. Among others, we will see names such as:

  • Richard H. Thaler, Nobel Prize in Economics in 2017 for "contributions to behavioural economics".  Professor of Behavioural Science and Economics at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, Thaler studies behavioural economics and finance, as well as the psychology of decision-making that lies in the gap between economics and psychology. 

  • Andrew J.Scott, Professor of Economics at the London Business School and Consulting Scholar at Stanford University's Longevity Center. 
  • Daniela Bas,Director of the Division for Inclusive Social Development (DISD) of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs.
  • Hervé Boulhol, Head of Pensions and Population Ageing, Social Policy Division, Directorate for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs, OECD.
  • Nicholas Barr, Professor of Public Economics at the London School of Economics. He is the author of numerous articles, as well as author or editor of more than twenty books, including The Economics of the Welfare State and Pension Reform: A Short Guide.
  • Isabel Ferreira,Secretary of State for the Development of Inland Regions of Portugal.
  • Paz Martín, head of the programme 'Tercera edad, Los retos de la Arquitectura' of the Fundación Arquitectura y Sociedad and director of the architectural and urban innovation project 'envejezANDO (rural and urban)'.
  • Ana João Sepúlveda studies the effects of longevity on populations, society and the economy. She is considered an influencer in the area of Longevity Economy in Portugal, and is also recognised as a pioneer in the development of this topic at national level, as well as for her worldwide network of connections in the area of Longevity Economy and aging, covering the 5 continents.
  • Irene Lebrusán studies the right to housing and residential inequality from an interdisciplinary perspective, comparing the situation in the United States and Europe. Other lines of research focus on old age, vulnerability, childhood and smart cities.
  • María Gafo, has a long experience in the European Commission, where she has worked on energy, environmental, forestry and agricultural policies. She is currently deputy head of the unit responsible for social sustainability in the European Commission's Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development.
  • Diego Valero, Professor at the University of Barcelona and Professor at the London School of Economics on specialised programmes in pensions and behavioural economics, where he is Academic Director of the Global Pensions Programme. He is co-founder and president of Novaster, a leading pension consultancy in Spain and Latin America in pension, investment and risk advice. 
  • Juan Yermo, a professor, has written and published several economic studies. Yermo also has extensive experience in social security, ageing and globalisation..

The Congress is part of the INTERREG Programme, V-A, Spain-Portugal, POCTEP, 2014-2020, of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).